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yankee doodle 〔美國〕(獨立戰爭時期流行的)美國歌曲。

yankee land

Yankee doodles : andy phillips will undergo arthroscopic surgery in the coming weeks to repair some torn cartilage in his knee , though cashman didn ' t specify which knee it was . . . 洋基未經證實消息:燈泡下周將動關節鏡手術,以修復其膝蓋之軟骨裂傷,雖然現金男并未說是哪一個膝蓋。

Yesterday ' s 12 - 0 victory over the angels was another yankee doodle slugfest , the latest reminder of how explosive this lineup can be , and it had the stadium buzzing 昨天以12比0大勝天使更是一場混亂屠殺,再次提醒大家絕不能忽視洋基打線的爆發力,而當時全場更為之瘋狂騷動。

Now listen here , yankee doodle dandy 現在聽著,美國小子

It ' s up to you , yankee doodle . - i don ' t want to do that . . 由你決定, yankee doodle -我不想做這個